Yu Brothers’ Case Book


Yu Brothers’ Case Book (因與聿案簿錄) is a supernatural murder mystery Taiwanese light novel series written by the author Hu Xuan(護玄) . Some of her other series include 特殊傳說 (Unique Legend), 异动之刻, and 兔侠.

The series has three seasons that cover stories about uncovering supernatural incidents that seem to always occur around the main characters. Season 1 is complete at eight volumes, Season 2 is complete at nine volumes, and Season 3 is currently ongoing. Note that the series name changes just slightly for each season. Starting from Season 2, there is a new main character that joins Yu Yin. The later seasons also give some spotlight to a few characters that were more supporting roles in Season 1.

WARNING: This series does have a minor horror undertone (ie. malicious ghosts), but it is not the main genre. There may also be some graphic depictions of the murder victims. Trigger warning for sensitive topics such as depression, suicide, abuse, drug addiction, eating disorders, etc. Please read at your own discretion.

Synopsis (for Season 1):

Shaodi Yu, an orphan, is adopted as a result of of a murder case involving the deaths of his entire family. Because of some painful experiences, he refuses to speak. However, he has sharp insight; moreover, he becomes under the care of a pair of twin brothers in the police force, who also have a child currently in university. Yu Yin possesses yin-yang eyes, which allow him to see things ordinary people cannot. The two brothers happen to complement each other, and together they investigate various inconceivable incidents. (Translated by TaffyGirl13 from Baidu.)

Disclaimer: I do not own 因與聿案簿錄, nor do I make profit off of it. All rights for this novel belong to the original author, 護玄. The only thing that I own are my translations. Please do not re-post this content anywhere, and if possible, support the author by buying her books!

TL/N: I own some of the physical books, but not all. As a result, there may be inaccuracy in the translations due to unreliable raw source for some volumes.

Season 1 (Yu Brothers’ case book):

Volume 1: Leopard Cat

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Seven
Chapter TwoChapter Eight
Chapter ThreeChapter Nine
Chapter FourChapter Ten
Chapter FiveChapter Eleven + Epilogue
Chapter Six 

Volume 2: Water Stains

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Seven
Chapter TwoChapter Eight
Chapter ThreeChapter Nine
Chapter FourChapter Ten
Chapter FiveChapter Eleven  + Epilogue
Chapter Six 

Volume 3: Lottery Ticket

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 4: Secret

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 5: Lost

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 6: Unknown

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Seven
Chapter TwoChapter Eight
Chapter ThreeChapter Nine
Chapter FourChapter Ten
Chapter FiveChapter Eleven
Chapter SixChapter Twelve + Epilogue

Volume 7: Twins

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 8: The End

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Season 2 (case book):

Volume 1: Murderous Intent

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 2: Evil Neighbour

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Seven
Chapter TwoChapter Eight
Chapter ThreeChapter Nine
Chapter FourChapter Ten
Chapter FiveChapter Eleven + Epilogue
Chapter Six 

Volume 3: Struggle

Prologue + Chapter One Chapter Seven
Chapter Two Chapter Eight
Chapter Three Chapter Nine
Chapter Four Chapter Ten
 Chapter Five Chapter Eleven + Epilogue
 Chapter Six 

Volume 4: Puzzle

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Eight
Chapter TwoChapter Nine
Chapter ThreeChapter Ten
Chapter FourChapter Eleven
Chapter Five Chapter Twelve
Chapter Six Chapter Thirteen + Epilogue
Chapter Seven

Volume 5: Promise

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 6: Passing Visitor

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 7: Treasure Chest

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Six
Chapter TwoChapter Seven
Chapter ThreeChapter Eight
Chapter FourChapter Nine
Chapter FiveChapter Ten + Epilogue

Volume 8: Tower

Prologue + Chapter OneChapter Seven
Chapter TwoChapter Eight
Chapter ThreeChapter Nine
Chapter FourChapter Ten
Chapter FiveChapter Eleven
Chapter SixChapter Twelve

Side Stories:

Because, I Don’t HaveRunning Around For Christmas
Chinese New YearRoommates and Mysteries

13 thoughts on “Yu Brothers’ Case Book

  1. As long as your translations are non-profit and you credit me as your original source, I’m fine with it. After all, my version is also a fan translation and the original content isn’t mine in the first place. The key though is that it cannot be for profit/monetized in any way, since you would need the original author’s permission/copyright for that, or else your content (and possibly mine) could be taken down or sued.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As a long time fan of the original Mandarin version of thid series (since 2012), I’m so happy to see my favourite Taiwanese light novel series being translated into English! I just spent my night reading all the side stories, and I loved it!! I own the original Mandarin novels of season 1 and the newest one, 案簿录 浮生—回家,so if you need the original source materials for these feel free to contact me! Sadly, I’m reading volume 2 online now in Mandarin (it’s unavailable in local bookstores now but I’ve put in an order so hopefully they’ll arrive in a few months ^^ will keep you updated!)) Anyways, just want to thank you again for igniting interest and spreading love for my favourite light novel series to the English-speaking world. Love, from South East Asia.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, 2012! I read Unique Legend around then, but I didn’t read this one until a few years later. Also, we’re kind of the opposite in terms of books, because I have the books for season 2 instead of season 1 xD Well, I have the newest one too (which was such a great addition to the series; I’m so excited for the rest of season 3!) But yes, the side stories are great :) I found them online…I’m not actually sure if they’re available with the actual books – maybe for limited editions only? They’re so adorable though! There are like 3-4 left that I still haven’t translated, so look forward to those as well~


  3. OMG thank god i found your amazing blog!!!

    I have no hope that my country will translate season2 because of the business problems, so I didnt think i would ever have any chance to read it again!! until Im here TT A TT

    Thank you for your prefect translation! Actually, I have had a lot of bad days recently, This story and your translation made my day soo muchh. <3

    Liked by 1 person

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